Support Coordination
Support Coordination is funded in your NDIS plan for a Coordinator of Supports to assist you to understand the NDIS and how to utilise your plan to get the most out of the funding that has been approved.
Your Just COS Support Coordinator will work with you and/or your support network to link with support providers to assist you to meet your goals.
Your Support Coordinator will assist you with:
- Implementing your current plan
- Monitoring budgets
- Ensuring compliance with support providers
- Planning for plan reviews including plan reassessments, plan roll-overs, automatic extensions and all other forms of reviews
- Gathering evidence for any changes in circumstance that may require an early review of your plan funding
- Gathering evidence for a Review of a Reviewable Decision should it be necessary

Specialist Support Coordination
Just COS has an experienced Specialist Support Coordinator on our team. A Specialist Support Coordinator has experience and an abundance of training in dealing with multiple agencies across all departments to reduce complexity in the participants environment.
Specialist Support Coordination is generally time limited and is necessitated by the participants immediate and significant barriers to plan implementation.
Your Specialist Support Coordinator manages complex challenges that you may be having with:
- Health
- Housing
- Justice services
Your Specialist Support Coordinator will also assist with resolving points of crisis for participants to ensure consistent delivery of service and access to relevant supports during crisis situations.
Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
Your Psychosocial Recovery Coach has mental health knowledge and will do the following:
- Spend time with you, and the people important to you, to get to know you and your needs
- Help you to find out about different services and supports, and how these can help you
- Help you get support from mental health services
- Help you better understand the NDIS and support you with the NDIS
Your Psychosocial Recovery Coach has experience working in the Mental Health sector and are qualified to deliver this service. You will be matched with the best Psychosocial Recovery Coach for your particular circumstances.